Don’t waste time waiting for a CRP test in a crowded clinic. Let us come to you! Our expertly conducted CRP test delivers results within just 5 minutes, using just a tiny drop of blood from your fingertip. We’re here to serve you throughout Prague.
With our swift results, you’ll have the information you need to consult with your doctor and take proactive steps towards your well-being. Say goodbye to long waits and hello to convenience!
Feeling a sore throat? Our Strep A test is the quick and reliable diagnostic solution you need. It detects Group A streptococcus bacteria from a throat swab. Strep A infection is the only common throat ailment that requires antibiotic treatment.
No need to go anywhere; we’ll come to you (within Prague only). Don’t let a sore throat slow you down – get tested and back to your best!
Using a urine analyzer, we can perform an accurate urine analysis right at your location. Within 5 minutes, you’ll know if you’re suffering from a urinary tract infection.
We typically measure these parameters:
Glucose, Ketones, pH, Erythrocytes (blood), Specific gravity, Protein, Nitrites, Leukocytes, Microalbumin, Creatinine
No need to travel anywhere; we’ll come to you (within Prague only). Your health and convenience are our priorities.