Medical fitness for sports activities

  • Medical Practice Pod Šancemi 444/1, Prague 9
  • We speak Czech and English.
  • Short appointment lead times.
  • Examinations for patients aged 14 and above.

Are you planning to register for sports competitions? Do you wish to become a registered member of a sports club, association, or group? It is highly likely that you will require a health fitness assessment for sports activities.

Our clinic specializes in assessing health fitness. As a result, you won’t have to spend time waiting for an assessment among sick patients in the waiting room. We offer very short appointment lead times.

We issue health fitness certificates for sports activities exclusively for competitive athletes.

Who is considered a competitive athlete according to the regulations?

An individual who:

  • Participates in competitive sports in organized sports competitions or is preparing for them.
  • Is registered with an organization that provides training for competitive athletes or organizes sports competitions.

Please note: We cannot issue certificates for elite athletes. An elite athlete is a person who competes at the level of a national sports representation team or is preparing for representation as a member of a sports resort center, youth sports center, or similar sports training facility. According to the regulations, this category also includes students of sports schools. Therefore, these students must schedule an examination with a specialist in sports medicine.

In our clinic, we do not provide any types of stress tests. If the sports competition organizer or sports club requests this from you, please schedule with another provider.

Price list:

Basic medical examination of the athlete
Price: 1200 CZK
Extended medical examination of the athlete (for diving, etc.)
Price: 1400 CZK

How Does the Health Fitness Assessment for Sports Activities Work?

Basic Sports Examination:

  • The applicant provides a current extract from the documentation by their registered general practitioner.
  • Medical examination (physical examination, musculoskeletal function assessment, blood pressure measurement, 12-lead EKG at rest).
  • Additional examinations by specialists if available (please bring current reports from specialist doctors if applicable).

Comprehensive Sports Examination (e.g., for diving):

  • Includes everything from the basic sports examination, plus:
  • Resting spirometry.
  • Measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO).

What to Bring for Your Examination?

  • If applicable, the certificate you want to confirm (from a sports club or organization).
  • A morning urine sample (a sample tube can be purchased at a pharmacy or arranged for pickup at our clinic).
  • Proof of identity (identity card, passport, driver’s license)
  • An extract from the documentation by your registered general practitioner, and current reports from specialists (if available).

We conduct medical examinations by appointment only, either through prior telephone arrangement or online reservation.

Please respect the necessity of scheduling in advance and arriving on time.

For quick appointment booking, please contact +420 284 091 952.

We accept payments

  • in cash
  • by credit card